Friday, March 30, 2012

Wedding Season!!!

It's that time of the year season! This year I have a total of 5 wedding invitations for the next 3 months, not to mention the many others that I get to attend as a guest of a sweet guy.  So excited for all the celebrations!!!

Alison & Steve - Apr 1st

 Jen & Jonathan - May 19th

Daniel & Amber - May 19th

Chels & Brandon - June 2nd

Ash & Brett - June 23rd

Lost in Time

"Today, I am thankful for everyday miracles, dedicated friends,"

That's a blog post I started quite a while ago.  Looking back I have no idea what caused this thought, though I very much wish I did.  I am thankful for the sweet friends who inspired me to begin that thought. I just wish my appreciation for them in that moment wasn't lost in time like that post was.