Wednesday, July 18, 2012

If only she were here...

There are those days when something happens and there's this perfect person you want to run and tell all about it and you immediately want to call or text that person.  But reality sets in and I know my sweet friend won't be on the other end of that phone.  My sweet friend...the one who loves jokes, laughing, boy talk, sarcasm, inappropriateness, awkward moments...the one who always had a smile on her face, an encouraging word...the one who loves to dance, to sing, to be creative, to take sweet friend who is far more courageous than any person I've met in my life won't ever be able to be my "perfect person" again.  So I take a deep breath, remember my little rebel, and laugh a little to myself because I know she'd be laughing right there with me if she could.  I miss my sweet friend, but rejoice that she is finally healed from what ailed her for too many years.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Wedding Season!!!

It's that time of the year season! This year I have a total of 5 wedding invitations for the next 3 months, not to mention the many others that I get to attend as a guest of a sweet guy.  So excited for all the celebrations!!!

Alison & Steve - Apr 1st

 Jen & Jonathan - May 19th

Daniel & Amber - May 19th

Chels & Brandon - June 2nd

Ash & Brett - June 23rd

Lost in Time

"Today, I am thankful for everyday miracles, dedicated friends,"

That's a blog post I started quite a while ago.  Looking back I have no idea what caused this thought, though I very much wish I did.  I am thankful for the sweet friends who inspired me to begin that thought. I just wish my appreciation for them in that moment wasn't lost in time like that post was.

Monday, August 8, 2011

My life in pictures...

Currently, this is all my life consists of...

As soon as I can get back to my life as the fun, single 20 something then I'll be back updating with my adventures.  Until's lots of caffeine and lack of sleep. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meet My DR Friends

 Abel, William's fiance, William, Marcel, Yrahisa, Danny

I was so blessed to meet some absolutely incredible Dominican's while on my adventure.  The people you see in the first picture above were our translators throughout the week, but more importantly, they were our friends. Ryan was our go to person for all things Dominican! He was not only our DR tour leader but also a translator, chauffeur (at times), friend, ice cream expert, and the only person I've ever found that can speak faster than I can. 

The Dominican is extremely blessed to have these people.  After spending only a week with them, I can say that they are truly some of the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to meet.  They love the Lord so tremendously and it shows in everything that they do.  There's a joy that just radiates from them that I rarely get to see in the United States.  I learned so very much from them during the week that I was there and I doubt that they even know that.  I don't even think the realize the type of impact they have on people.  As cliche as it sounds, they make others want to be better people.  

These people are the epitome of servanthood.  I feel so honored to be able to stand with them in their country and learn from them, if only for a week.  I know that while I may never see some of them again in this life, they have left an impact on my life that will never be forgotten.

The Lord is working in the Dominican and it was so evident everyday.  It's these friends of mine who the Lord is using to change their country for the better.  He is using them in mighty ways and it was a blessing to be able to witness it first hand. 
And their fearless leader, Boss man Jose


Farewell beautiful Dominican Republic, until we meet again! Is next year too soon?!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Packing Time!

All the supplies for the development centers are bought and it's packing time! I can't even begin to express how thankful I am to my sweet family and friends who have been so generous in helping with the supplies.  We were able to get more items then I originally thought we would.  Those kiddos are going to absolutely LOVE all the items.  I'll be sure to send y'alls love with me when I go. Thanks so much for being such huge blessings for this trip.

Development Centers:
(we bought for 3 development centers so everything is in multiples of 3)
Soccer balls, ball pumps and needles, baseballs, jump ropes, construction paper, coloring books, markers, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, scissors, glue sticks, stickers, bubbles, hair bands and burettes.
Items for Jose and his family:
backpack, soccer ball, football, ball pump and needles, baseball, bouncy balls, kitchen towels, wooden spoons, sandals, shorts, Astros/Dynamo/A&M shirts, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap

My roomie has been so great this whole time; from shopping for supplies with me, to letting me borrow things I need for the trip, and for constantly being an encourager.  God has truly blessed me with an amazing roommate. 

Charis gets the rockstar award for my trip.  She so generously gave up her Saturday to travel the city with me looking for supplies, helped me sort and pack all the supplies, and then made tons of braceletts for the kiddos with me.  I couldn't have done it with out her!! Thank you friend. 

I can't believe tomorrow's the day I head out to FL before I head to the Dominican on Saturday.  I am so excited to see how the Lord is working in that gorgeous country and to get to love on some of his sweet children.  I am just so humbled by the love, support, and prayers that I have received over the past months while preparing for this adventure.  He is working and I'm can't wait to see how He pulls strangers from across the country to come together as one, to serve and love His people.  It's going to be a thrilling journey and I can't wait to be able to share the experience when I get back.

“I am living the life I was called to live, and I will continue to do so until I am interrupted by heaven."
(Wess Stafford - Compassion International President)